Get to Know: Zonke

Get to Know: Zonke-Just Malawi Music


Get to Know: Zonke - The Multi-Talented Artist on the Rise

In the diverse world of music, there are artists who not only create tunes that resonate but also have a unique journey to share. Meet Zaithwa Zonke Mhone, known by his stage name "Zonke" or "ZONKE TOO FRESH." Born on the 15th of August, 2002, Zonke proudly represents the Tumbuka tribe, with roots in the picturesque village of Mzimba. While his origins may trace back to Mzimba, he currently resides in the bustling city of Blantyre.

A Glimpse into Zonke's Educational Journey

Before we dive into his musical journey, let's explore Zonke's educational background. He attended Bangwe Catholic Primary School and later progressed to Bangwe Day Secondary School. In 2019, he undertook the Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE). His academic journey took an intriguing turn when he pursued a diploma in programming at the National College of Communication and Technology (Nacit), showcasing his multifaceted talents.

Zonke's Appetite for Unique Flavors

Every individual has their culinary preferences, and for Zonke, it's all about "Mpunga wa Soya pieces." His taste for this distinctive dish reflects his appreciation for diverse and innovative flavors, mirroring his approach to music.

Musical Influences and Inspirations

Zonke's journey in music began at an incredibly young age, around the age of 5. Although he can't recall the exact year, his primary school years saw him crafting songs that gained popularity in his childhood circle. These early experiences fueled his passion for music, and he has been on this creative journey ever since.

A Grand Vision for Music

Zonke's musical ambitions extend beyond just creating tunes. His biggest goal is twofold: to educate and entertain his audience while providing financial support to his family and personal needs. It's a noble aspiration that highlights his desire to use his talents for the greater good.

The Path to Achieving Greatness

To achieve his ambitious musical goals, Zonke is committed to seizing opportunities and finding the right management team and sponsors who can support his art. It's a testament to his dedication and perseverance, and it shows that he's willing to take the necessary steps to reach his dreams.

Zonke's Surprising Revelation

Every artist has their quirks and interests outside of music, and Zonke's biggest secret is a delightful one. He confesses, "Ndimakonda Kuwonera ma filimu a India achichewa" (I love watching Indian movies dubbed in Chichewa). It's a unique and charming hobby that adds another layer to his multifaceted personality.

Chasing Dreams and Net Worth

In the music industry, the path to financial success can be challenging. Zonke admits that while he spends a significant amount on studio time and production, the net worth for the year can be quite variable. It's a testament to the unpredictability of the industry and the dedication required to succeed.

In conclusion, Zonke is a multi-talented artist with a passion for both music and programming. His journey is marked by early creative sparks, educational pursuits, and a deep desire to make a positive impact through his music. As he continues to work hard and navigate the complexities of the music industry, Zonke is undoubtedly an artist to watch out for in the coming years.

Downloade his songs here:

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